- Even though the UK drives on the right-hand-side, left-hand drive vehicles can also be legally driven on the roads.
Vehicles must conform with environmental and safety laws of the country. Some exceptions are permitted but will have to be approved first.
If said vehicle is over ten years old, Drivers and License Agency in the United Kingdom must be informed beforehand for approval.
​Before shipping off your vehicle, HM Revenue and Customs must be notified within 14 days of the vehicle’s arrival. An International Vehicle Approval will have to be conducted as well.
After arrival, owners must pay VAT, duty or tax on the vehicle before it’s released from the authorities. Once paid, vehicles must be registered and taxed.

Vehicle’s documents: Vehicle Clearance Certificate (VCC) or transfer certificate or possession certificate or ownership certificate or possession transfer certificate.
Orignal Emirates ID.
Vehicle technical inspection. In case of an expired license or non-licensed vehicle.
Exporting a new car into GCC countries, the customer must pay a duty fee (5% of the value of the car in GCC countries).
Exporting a used car into GCC countries there is no 5% duty fee to pay.
If you’re exporting a car to Europe or any other part of the world not mentioned, check with the RTA and local authorities in the respected country beforehand.
A residency visa in the UAE is not required to export a car out of the UAE, you can export a vehicle with only a tourist visa.

The procedure of car shipping starts by checking the eligibility of your car for shipment. Vehicles purchased on loan or having a mortgage are not permitted to be shipped, till the loan is completely paid.​
Police paper about the vehicle.
Vehicle Clearance Certificate.
Insurance documents.
Passport (copies are a must).
Visa in the UAE.
Visa in the country you are shipping to (unless a citizen of that country).
Destination address with at least two working contact numbers.
Bill of shipping and landing. Applicable for sea and air transportation only. May be required for recovery truck delivery.

Sea : Cheapest option and preferred by most will be delivered to the nearest port of choice. Can be done via container or Roll On Roll Off (RoRo) ship.
Air : Vehicles are strapped down in order not to shuffle around while being flown to its destination. Safest and fastest way to do it, but most expensive.
Land : Recovery vehicles or trucks can move your vehicle from country to country if borders are easy to cross.
Shipping by sea or air, it’s best to get insurance for the vehicle incase of any problems.
If you choose to use a recovery vehicle for delivery, it’s mandatory to inform the RTA of which company you are using, and a representative of that company must be present at the border crossing.